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Is Your Team Winning?

An even better question is,

“How do you know?”

If your organization is like most, you track a myriad of metrics. Business units, departments, teams, and even individual contributors fixate on the numbers they can affect (and get rewarded for achieving) – often to the detriment of the company's success.

When people focus on achieving only the numbers that profit themselves, silos form. Collaboration ceases. Culture becomes competitive internally for personal gain rather than collaborative, focusing on winning against the competition in the marketplace.

Business is like baseball.

Baseball is one of the most statistic-saturated sports. Every position and player has dozens of “KPIs” or “OKRs” that define how well they play as individuals. Yet what defines winning or losing is not RBIs or batting averages, but ONE NUMBER – the number of runs on the scoreboard.

Like the runs on a scoreboard, there is one number for every organization that broadcasts your success – your Most Important Number™️ (MIN).

Our Framework naturally drives execution and a winning culture of collaboration.

You may be fortunate to have many star players in your organization, but if they aren’t focused on “winning the game” – AS A TEAM – you’ll always fall short of your goals. It’s not just the quality of the individuals that move your organization forward; it is how well they execute together to achieve the goal.

And that takes leadership.

Most senior leaders say they want to grow the business, increase revenue and profits, and even improve their customers’ and employees’ lives.

In reality, we hear consistently from senior leaders that instead of focusing ON the business, doing things today to get better results in the future, they are consumed by the “fires” of the day-to-day operations.

They work hard. They are very busy but never seem to achieve the goals they set. Their organization is doing a lot of good work, but they aren’t focused on how they do the work of improving what is most important.

Is your organization “knocking it out of the park?”

The EXCELeration Framework:

A holistic approach to business management and people development incorporating several state-of-the-art methods and tools that...

Ensures Your Leadership:

  • Aligns your organization to what’s most important

  • Improves how they make critical decisions

  • Establishes shared accountability

  • Focuses on high-level functions

  • Eliminates fire-fighting culture

  • Predictably hires and places team members in the right roles

  • Creates a culture that drives engagement and ownership

  • Designs and develops high-performing teams

Ensures Your Team Members:

  • Do the right work in the right order at the right time

  • Develop and maintain and healthy, energized culture

  • Proactively solve problems

  • Work to attract and retain top talent

  • Increase innovative thinking

  • Work seamlessly together

EXCELerate Execution of Your Most Critical Initiatives

“a mind-blowing way to look at your business”

Cody Lingelbach, Head of Sales

In just a couple of hours, the amount of work we were able to implement far outweighed what we’ve been able to do in seven months of business. We have a clear roadmap of how to get to the next level.

The amount of experience and wealth of knowledge they gave us is invaluable. We couldn’t afford NOT to hire KMP.

Travis W., CEO

It doesn’t matter if your organization is on life support, getting solid results, or “knocking it out of the park” with incredible results – there is always a better way, and the EXCELeration Framework will help you and your team find it.

Want to experience the shift from meaningless numbers to meaningful work using the EXCELeration Framework?

Let us demonstrate how it creates alignment, better decision-making, and accountability in your organization.

The EXCELeration Framework revolutionizes how you think about your business, your people, and the work you do to accelerate your growth.

The best time to start is NOW when:


Your leadership team will be changing


A big initiative is underway


You are planning an upcoming acquisition


You have a new or shifting strategy


Everyone on the leadership team is “really busy”


You want your team to find solutions and opportunities proactively

The EXCELeration Framework revolutionizes how you think about your business, your people, and the work you do to accelerate your growth.

The best time to start is NOW when:

Your leadership team will be changing

A big initiative is underway

You are planning an upcoming acquisition

You have a new or shifting strategy

Everyone on the leadership team is “really busy”

You want your team to find solutions and opportunities proactively

Take a fresh look at your business with KMP.

KMP Consulting LLC 4960 S Gilbert Rd STE 1-183 Chandler, AZ 85249

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